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Artificial and Natural Flavorings: Avoid Them All!

Just Say No to Natural and Artificial Flavors!!

It’s always better to eat natural foods than artificial ones. However when it comes to flavoring, it can be difficult to determine what is safe. Natural and artificial flavors are produced in the same factories these days. Both are considered safe, but artificial and natural flavors alike can be dangerous depending on what they are. It is actually best to avoid natural and artificial flavors completely altogether, both natural and artificial are basically the same!!!

Most artificial flavorings are derived from petroleum. They may affect RNA, thyroid, and enzymes. Most have not been studied for safety or toxicity. They are all synthesized chemicals that don’t even have common names. Most artificial flavors actually contain many chemical ingredients, not just one. Many of those chemicals are volatile. Natural flavors are chemicals, too, though.

The FDA doesn’t require manufacturers to list color or flavor additives on ingredients as long as they are recognized as safe. Some of these can cause allergic reactions in intolerant people, and these folks can find it hard to avoid those substances. Many times the ingredients will simply say “artificial flavors” without mentioning which ones. Most of them don’t have common names anyway.

Companies have been trying to use natural flavors in their products for the last 20 years. It is better to get these substances from nature than from petroleum, Benzaldehyde is almond flavor, and when derived from nature, traces of hydrogen cyanide–a deadly poison–can be found in it. Benzaldehyde made either way can cause central nervous system depression and convulsions.

This is not always true, however. Vanillan, artificial vanilla, can cause allergic reactions. It can limit the liver enzyme dopamine sulphotransferase by 50%. Its sources are the waste product of paper mills and from petroleum like coal tar

Amyl acetate is pear and banana oil. Many artificial flavors are made using amyl acetate. It may cause nervous system depression, indigestion, chest pain, headaches, fatigue, and irritate the mucus membranes. A close relative, amyl alcohol, is known to be toxic. Benzyl acetate is also related to this chemical and may cause gastrointestinal, bronchial, skin, and eye irritation.

Borneol is an artificial flavoring that may cause gastrointestional irritation, seizures, confusion, and dizziness. Butryic acid has caused cancer in lab animals. Butyl acetate, a related chemical, can be toxic in high quantities. Carvacrol is an artificial flavoring that can lead to respiratory and circulatory depression as well as cardiac failure. Cinnamyl formate or formic acid, which is artificial cinnamon, has caused cancer in mice and may affect our kidneys.

I could go on and on but it really is pointless. These chemicals as I mentioned before, are rarely listed in the ingredients of products. The words “artificial flavorings” or “natural flavorings” are used instead. You don’t know if one or a hundred were used in the product–and you certainly don’t know which ones. Some of these chemicals are artificial, and many are considered natural but are still derived from chemicals and are considered harmful. So my summation is that artificial and natural flavors are exactly the same, they were created to cause great confusion in the food world and complicate the decision making process for the consumer. THE BEST ADVICE I CAN GIVE IS TO AVOID AT ALL COST BOTH NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS AND TO START A DETOX PROGRAM WITH MICRO PLANT POWDER™ FROM HEMPUSA.ORG

100% chemical free SuperFoods are what you need to be healthy. From HempUSA.org.

Whether or not a flavor is artificial or natural depends on how it’s made, but either way, it is a chemical. The term “natural flavoring” is misleading  as it designates something derived from nature that may not necessarily be natural. Obtaining something from a natural source isn’t the same thing as using something in its natural state.

It is really best to avoid products with added flavoring, either natural or artificial. How should our food be flavored? The answer is simple: food should just be itself. Don’t add flavors to foods; make the food in a way that protects its flavor. If we want to create a raspberry or strawberry flavor, we should use raspberries or strawberries.

Buy products that do not contain natural or artificial flavors at all. Research and determine which ones you feel are safe. Alternatives to “natural” and artificial flavorings can include products sweetened with fruit juice, real vanilla, and other products existing in their natural, unaltered state. If you see the word “flavoring,” put it back on the shelf. Natural may seem safe, but when it comes to flavorings, artificial and natural flavorings are all chemicals that can affect our health in a negative way.

Choose foods that were made from truly natural flavors: fruit juices, plant extracts, herbs. Remember the rule “Don’t eat it if you can’t pronounce it?” Eat products in their natural state as much as you can and please check out HempUSA.org it’s a great site and very informative.