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Hemp Toasted Seeds
Whole Hemp Seeds are available in sterilized, toasted, roasted and fractionalized (cracked) forms. They are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. They can be cold-pressed for oil, or hulled to expose the seed meat. Hemp seeds are the only edible seeds with gamma-linoleic acid (GLA).
Hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain a healthy human life. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, nor has the essential fatty acids in as perfect a ratio to meet human nutritional needs.
Our edible hemp seeds come toasted and available salted or unsalted. The toasting and salting of our seeds is an original proprietary process that brings out the flavor of the seeds and makes it easier to chew. This process does not affect the enzyme or nutritional value. It also makes the seed non-viable, so sterilization is not required like other seeds that cross the border into America.
Hemp seeds are actually nuts and called as such on some product labels. Hemp seeds have been a traditional source of nourishment in many countries for thousands of years. They can be roasted, ground or used as flour. Hemp seeds are one of the most nutritious foods on earth. Tasting similar to pine nuts and sunflower seeds, hemp seeds can be used in any recipe.
In terms of nutrient content, shelled hemp seed is basically 34.6% protein, 46.5% fat and 11.6% carbohydrate. For diabetics, the glycemic index of shelled hemp seed is considered low because of its low carbohydrate content. They are also full of nutrients that moderate blood sugar. Since most of the carbohydrate content is in the hull. Not only do hemp seeds contain essential fatty acids (EFAs) in the proper ratio required by humans, but also all the essential amino acids. The fiber content of hemp seed flour is 40%, which is the highest of all commercial flour grains.
Whole Hemp seed is very advantageous to scraping the colon clean of debris and is loaded with nutrients. Furthermore hemp seed is far more valuable in terms of concentrated nutrients than soybeans, the nearest vegan alternative. Whole hemp seeds contain 35% protein, of which 65% occurs as the easily digestible storage protein, Edestin, a perfect protein because it is so compatible with the human digestive system. In fact, in 1955, a Czechoslovakian Tuberculosis Nutrition Study found hemp seed to be the only food that successfully treated tuberculosis, a disease in which nutritive processes become impaired and the body wastes away.
Hemp seeds contain all nine essential amino acids with a high content of sulfur-containing AA (methionine and cysteine), which are usually low in vegetable proteins. The absence of trypsin inhibitory activity is a major advantage over the type of protein found in soybeans. No other single plant source provides balanced protein nutrition with all the essential amino acids in a favorable ratio for digestibility.
Trace elements found in hemp seed include strontium, thorium, arsenic and chromium. It is also a good source of the antioxidant vitamin E in the form of alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-tocopherol and alpha-tocotrienol. Also found in hemp seed is Lecithin, a type of liquid found in the protective sheaths surrounding the brain and nervous system. Lecithin helps in the breakdown of fats and enhances liver activity and enzyme production. Choline is produced from lecithin. It is needed for nerve impulses from the brain throughout the nervous system and for liver and gall bladder function. Its derivative acetylcholine, lacking in Alzheimer patients, is crucial for short-term memory. Hemp seeds also provide Inositol which promotes hair growth, reduces cholesterol levels, prevents artery hardening, and is calming to the nervous system. Phytosterols, sometimes described as ‘plant hormones’ or phytoestrogens, affect cholesterol absorption, hormone regulation and cell metabolism, are also provided through hemp seeds. Scientists are studying the use of hemp seed extracts to boost the immune systems of those who have such immunodeficiency illnesses as AIDS and cancer.
Whole hemp seeds are also high in such minerals as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron and zinc. Potassium supports the nervous system and regular heart rhythm and, with the help of sodium, aids in the body’s balance of water. Calcium is essential for a regular heartbeat, strong teeth and bones, and nerve impulses. Magnesium is needed to transmit the nerve and muscle messages. Sulfur helps the body resist bacterial invasion and protects it against toxic substances. Iron, in moderate amounts, facilitates the production of red blood cells and energy. Zinc is important for a healthy reproductive system and the male prostate gland. It improves wound healing and strengthens the immune system.
Strains of hemp seed have been naturally selected so as to produce NO THC. These nutritional varieties grow in temperate climates to heights of 6 feet. As with many agricultural grains, their seeds can be harvested in a conventional manner with a combine. Since the most modern handling and shelling of the seed minimizes its contact with the leaf resins, the shelled seed itself and the oil, nut butter and other foods prepared from the seed have no detectible THC amounts.