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I found the website for Hempusa.org

Dear HempUSA.org,

I would first like to tell you a little about myself. I was born and raised in Tallahassee, Florida. I am 42 years old and have lived a rather healthy and active life. I am a carpenter by trade and a general contractor by profession. I have always been very active in the outdoors. I feel closer to GOD; (my Creator) when I am out in contact with the environment and nature. I believe that everyone should experience the wonders of all creation.

Shortly after my marriage, my wife and I began to experience some unusual health problems. This led us on a journey to try to find some natural and organic health supplements that offered to support better health and correct the aliments and health problems that we were experiencing. My wife is a nurse at a hospital and she knew quite a few physicians that offered her medical advice. One of these doctors told her that her symptoms sounded like she might have Lyme disease. She proceeded to set up tests for Lyme and prompted me to be tested also. When the results came back we were both positive for Lyme. Continuing our search and options for treatment, we continued to search for natural, organic products that would help promote a healthy body and immune system so our bodies could learn to fight this disease. We were having some neurological symptoms along with our health problems. The doctors seemed to think that I was experiencing elevated stress from the marriage and the Lyme. So the doctor decided that I should take some SSRI; (Klonipin, Transzene, and Effexor). These drugs seemed to help at first to ease the stress, but the side effects and neurological side effects became a nightmare….

Through a lot of research and advice from a virtual stranger … I found the website for Hempusa.org. I decided to order the hemp products. Little did I know that my life would not be the same? The hemp powder, seeds and oil have transformed my body and mind in every way. This hemp has helped my body to correct problems with my digestive system, alleviated body pains and stiffness, and I don’t know if it has cured me of the Lyme disease. But I sure don’t feel any of its symptoms. I have and continue to research this product and it is only proving to me to be the best healthy whole super food.
Hemp seems to communicate with the body to guide and direct the body to health and healing. I have also noticed a considerable weight loss, more energy, and almost no stress and anxiety. I am also free from the SSRI’s – (Psychotropic Meds). I have been recommending this product to everyone I know. My Mother and Father are also taking the product and are also getting great benefits. I am not suggesting that this is a miracle cure product; However, I believe that hemp will harmonically balance and help the body to correct itself. I suggest that anyone who is looking to improve their health that they seriously consider taking hemp. Go to Hempusa.org and find a wealth of knowledge.

-Jared Gandy

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