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I want to report what seems to me an outright miracle.

These HempUSA.org products arrived two days ago:
Micro Plant Powder
Cells Alive Magnesium
Hemp Seed Oil
Hemp Protein Powder
Hemp Seeds – Salted, Unsalted, & Soft Cores

I took the MPP and Cells Alive Magnesium about 1:00, just before lunch.  At about 4:00 took the Hemp Seed Oil and HPP.

*Result:  For the first time in my 69 years on earth, I **felt no craving**for bread, snacks, cheese, or anything containing refined sugar. Therefore, I **ate** no bread, snacks, cheese or anything containing refined sugar . . . and didn’t miss it or want it.  THIS WAS THE FIRST DAY! ! !*

My weak moment falls daily between the hours of 4:30-5:30 PM when cravings for snacks and candy get the best of me.  Typically I go out for a long walk during these hours and succumb to the first grocery store I pass by. But, not last Monday after taking your products!! I walked for an hour and felt no urge to pig out.  When I got back, I took more Hemp Seed Oil and HPP.  Guess what dinner was that night?  One whole sliced-up apple, period.  My stomach was not growling at bedtime either. Furthermore, it wasn’t just “appetite suppression” I was experiencing.  It was a *re-direction of cravings toward only those vegetables and fruits that are healthiest for the body* (for example, the first night I experienced a craving for fresh-squeezed lemon and tomato juice instead of the usual sugary glop). That’s the part that really shocked me; it’s as if the products had given my body a new mind with new desires. I said to myself, “This is too good to be true so don’t get your hopes up. It could be wishful thinking or the power of suggestion, not the product itself.  Wait and see what happens tomorrow.”

Tuesday came and went and guess what — the same miracle repeated itself. *For the second time in my 69 years on earth, I had no bread, snacks, cheese, or anything containing refined sugar *. . *AND DIDN’T MISS OR WANT IT.* Today is Wednesday.  The same miracle is repeating itself, but *a new one has kicked in: occasional bursts of sudden, almost uncontrollable energy.* Mind you, these first days haven’t been completely without side effects. I felt a little fatigued and napped. Diarrhea started Tues morning and has continued since then; however, it’s a “friendly” condition in the sense that you don’t feel weak afterwards.  What’s more, the ghastly odors that usually accompany bowel movements have been minimized.  This is obviously detox at work – and has a long way to go.  I also feel flush in the face periodically, like a heat flash.  This comes and goes but I suspect it is a temporary, initial reaction like the diarrhea.

Best wishes,

Bruce Brown

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