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Large Cyst Growing On Lower Groin Area Disappeared

I would like to say I’m an average consumer when it comes to online shopping. I’ve adapted a lifestyle with main stream media and propaganda of flu shots and cough medicines. I came across HempUSA one day and was instantly intrigued. Reading all the various remedies and conditions these products could cure or help was amazing. I reached out to a very well educated healthy 84 year old woman who’s advice I trust very well when it comes to medications and herbal remedies. Instantly when I start talking about some of these products she referred to them as, “The Holy Grail” of foods. My interest was sparked. I started doing some more research. Now because I’m not one to be proactive with normal conditions that we all face as humans, or wait until it’s too late, I too fell in the large category of something has happened now how do I fix it. I was suffering for 6 months with a cyst that was growing larger by the month on the outside of my rectum region. I finally decided I must go see my local doctor for this condition. As this whole time I was assuming this was just an external hemorrhoid, from the doctor’s examination it was a benign cyst. I immediately scheduled my surgery. In the meantime this is what led me back to HempUSA. I reached out to their friendly staff who are professional and extremely knowledgeable about their products and they advised me that I should try taking the Micro Plant Powder Gold formulation. Obviously from the outside I am still just a skeptic, but let me tell you even for something as simple as this procedure I do not want to go under the knife. So I delayed my appointment for surgery by a month. I purchased a large container of Micro Plant Powder gold and I started taking daily the recommended dosages. The first week I didn’t see much of a difference, but by week 2 and week three something strange was happening. I didn’t see a decrease in size but what I did notice was there was no more oozing or moistness in the region of this cyst. So I kept with it. After about a full month of taking Micro Plant Powder the cyst dramatically shrunk in size. I continued on to taking the recommended dosage for even more time. By the end of month 2 the cysts was basically nonexistent and I was back to not feeling no insecurities about something growing around my anus area. I’m now 6 months into taking Micro Plant Powder and everything is great. Not only do I feel better but the cyst is completely gone with no signs of coming back. This product does work and I’m not a consumer skeptic anymore. I’m an active user and for $89.95 not only was it cheaper, it would have cost more in copays and the 25% out of pocket for this surgery. I know for the longest time I was on the outside looking in but it was the best choice I have ever made and will continue to stand by HempUSA products.